Catalogue en ligne de la Bibliothèque
select distinct uni.typdoc, sum(nbexplnum) as nbexplnum from (select distinct notices.typdoc, count(explnum_id) as nbexplnum from notices JOIN notices_categories on notcateg_notice=notice_id left join explnum on explnum_mimetype in () and explnum_notice = notice_id ,notice_statut where num_noeud=9520 and statut=id_notice_statut and ((notice_visible_opac=1 and notice_visible_opac_abon=0)) group by notices.typdoc union select distinct notices.typdoc, count(explnum_id) as nbexplnum from notices JOIN notices_categories on notcateg_notice=notice_id left join bulletins on bulletins.num_notice = notice_id and bulletins.num_notice != 0 left join explnum on explnum_mimetype in () and explnum_bulletin != 0 and explnum_bulletin = bulletin_id ,notice_statut where num_noeud=9520 and statut=id_notice_statut and ((notice_visible_opac=1 and notice_visible_opac_abon=0)) group by notices.typdoc) as uni group by uni.typdoc
The nutritionist / Rober E.C. Wildman (2009)
Titre : The nutritionist : Food,nutrition,and optimal health Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Rober E.C. Wildman Mention d'édition : Second edition Editeur : UK : Routledge Année de publication : 2009 Importance : 364p. Présentation : couv.ill. Format : 24cm. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-7890-3423-6 Note générale : bibliogr.annexes Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Nutrition ; Nutritionist Mots-clés : food Résumé : -The very basics of humans and the world we inhabit
-How our body works
-the nature of food
-carbohydrates are our most basic fuel source
-fats and cholesterol are not all bad
-proteins are the basis of our structure and function
-Nutrition,heart disease,and cancer
-water is the basis of our body
-energy metabolism,body weight and composition and weight
-vitamins are vital molecules in food
-the minerals of our body
-exercise and sports nutrition
-Nutrition throughout life
-The nutritionist : Food,nutrition,and optimal health [texte imprimé] / Rober E.C. Wildman . - Second edition . - UK : Routledge, 2009 . - 364p. : couv.ill. ; 24cm.
ISBN : 978-0-7890-3423-6
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Nutrition ; Nutritionist Mots-clés : food Résumé : -The very basics of humans and the world we inhabit
-How our body works
-the nature of food
-carbohydrates are our most basic fuel source
-fats and cholesterol are not all bad
-proteins are the basis of our structure and function
-Nutrition,heart disease,and cancer
-water is the basis of our body
-energy metabolism,body weight and composition and weight
-vitamins are vital molecules in food
-the minerals of our body
-exercise and sports nutrition
-Nutrition throughout life
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