Catalogue en ligne de la Bibliothèque
select distinct uni.typdoc, sum(nbexplnum) as nbexplnum from (select distinct notices.typdoc, count(explnum_id) as nbexplnum from notices JOIN notices_categories on notcateg_notice=notice_id left join explnum on explnum_mimetype in () and explnum_notice = notice_id ,notice_statut where num_noeud=7526 and statut=id_notice_statut and ((notice_visible_opac=1 and notice_visible_opac_abon=0)) group by notices.typdoc union select distinct notices.typdoc, count(explnum_id) as nbexplnum from notices JOIN notices_categories on notcateg_notice=notice_id left join bulletins on bulletins.num_notice = notice_id and bulletins.num_notice != 0 left join explnum on explnum_mimetype in () and explnum_bulletin != 0 and explnum_bulletin = bulletin_id ,notice_statut where num_noeud=7526 and statut=id_notice_statut and ((notice_visible_opac=1 and notice_visible_opac_abon=0)) group by notices.typdoc) as uni group by uni.typdoc
Biosyntheses / Georges Cohen (1994)
Titre : Biosyntheses Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Georges Cohen ; Georges N. Cohen, Auteur Editeur : Paris : Hermann Année de publication : 1994 Importance : XV-409 p. Présentation : ill., couv. ill. en coul. Format : 26 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-2-7056-6227-1 Note générale : Notes bibliogr. Index Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Bacteriologie moleculaire ; Biosynthèse Production of molecules by a living cell which is essential feature of anabolism.Résumé : The present work emphasises the importance of microbial physiology, biochemistry , genetics and evolution in the study of biosynthesis . It takes into account the considerable advances made in the field in the last twenty years by the introduction of gene cloning and sequencing and by the exponential development of physical methods such as X -ray crystallography of proteins Biosyntheses [texte imprimé] / Georges Cohen ; Georges N. Cohen, Auteur . - Paris : Hermann, 1994 . - XV-409 p. : ill., couv. ill. en coul. ; 26 cm.
ISBN : 978-2-7056-6227-1
Notes bibliogr. Index
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Bacteriologie moleculaire ; Biosynthèse Production of molecules by a living cell which is essential feature of anabolism.Résumé : The present work emphasises the importance of microbial physiology, biochemistry , genetics and evolution in the study of biosynthesis . It takes into account the considerable advances made in the field in the last twenty years by the introduction of gene cloning and sequencing and by the exponential development of physical methods such as X -ray crystallography of proteins Réservation
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