Catalogue en ligne de la Bibliothèque

select distinct uni.typdoc, sum(nbexplnum) as nbexplnum from (select distinct notices.typdoc, count(explnum_id) as nbexplnum from notices JOIN notices_categories on notcateg_notice=notice_id left join explnum on explnum_mimetype in () and explnum_notice = notice_id ,notice_statut where num_noeud=3350 and statut=id_notice_statut and ((notice_visible_opac=1 and notice_visible_opac_abon=0)) group by notices.typdoc union select distinct notices.typdoc, count(explnum_id) as nbexplnum from notices JOIN notices_categories on notcateg_notice=notice_id left join bulletins on bulletins.num_notice = notice_id and bulletins.num_notice != 0 left join explnum on explnum_mimetype in () and explnum_bulletin != 0 and explnum_bulletin = bulletin_id ,notice_statut where num_noeud=3350 and statut=id_notice_statut and ((notice_visible_opac=1 and notice_visible_opac_abon=0)) group by notices.typdoc) as uni group by uni.typdoc
![]() Illustrative of the evolution of human society and settlement over time, under the influence of the physical constraints/opportunities of the natural environment and of successive social, economic and cultural forces.
![]() Natural landscapes such as stones, cliffs, mountains, trees, forests, sources, lakes or rivers being regarded as of a marked religious or spiritual significance. Site sacréPaysage culturel
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Illustrative of the evolution of human society and settlement over time, under the influence of the physical constraints/opportunities of the natural environment and of successive social, economic and cultural forces.
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