Espace des ressources électronique en libre accès
Bibliothèque de la Faculté SNVST de L'UAMOB
> 590 Animaux > 11.592 Invertébrés > 11.592.5 Aschelminthes (némathelminthes) > Transfert d'information
Transfert d'information
Information flow
Voir aussi
11.597.176 Poissons d'eau douce
11.599.22 Macropodidés (dendrolagues, kangourous arboricoles, kangourous-rats, wallabies )
591.3 Évolution des animaux, génétique animale, petits des animaux
Data that has been organized in such a way that it achieves meaning, in a generalized way.
Source d'information
Technologie de l'information
Includes technology for data base management systems, as well as for information distribution, such as teleprocessing systems, networks of terminals, videotex systems, micrography, etc.
Data transfer services via telecommunication systems.
Transfert de savoir-faire
Technical and managerial expertise necessary to implement a technology.
Transfert de technologie
Access to new technology, both products and production techniques, as a key factor in the economic growth of developing countries.