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Bibliothèque de la Faculté SNVST de L'UAMOB
> 571 Physiologie générale et sujets connexes > 571.5 Biologie et physiologie régionales tissulaires > Développement économique et social > Politique de développement > Stratégie de développement > Développement participatif Institutionalization of popular participation in the development process.
Développement participatif
Grassroots development
;Local development
;Popular participation
Public participation
Voir aussi
579.3 Procaryotes
At the community level.
Enabling individuals or communities to take charge and make full use of their knowledge, energies and judgment.
Besoins essentiels
The minimum requirements for a decent standard of life: adequate food, shelter, clothing, community services. They also include needs relating to human rights, public participation in decision-making, productive employment.
Culture de paix
A culture that promotes lifeways, patterns of belief, values and behaviour that foster peace-building and accompanying institutional arrangements.
Développement humain
A process of enlarging people's choices: focuses on both the formation of human capabilities - improved health, knowledge and skills - and the use people make of their acquired capabilities, for work or leisure.
Participation communautaire
Participation de la femme
Participation des jeunes
Participation sociale
Vulgarisation en milieu rural
Includes training for farmers in more efficient practices, planning and management skills, low-interest credit, simple irrigation, subsidized fertilizer and post-harvest facilities, etc.