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Astuce utilisez des guillemets pour chercher une suite de caractères : "biochimie appliquée"
571 Physiologie générale et sujets connexes Physiology and related subjects
578 Biologie des organismes et sujets Annexe
- 578 -Biologie des organismes vivants et sujets connexes
- Enseignement professionnelFormal education designed to prepare for skilled occupations.
- Enseignement scientifique supérieur ...
579 Biologie des algues, champignons inférieurs, micro organismes (biologie descriptive et histoire naturelle des algues, champignons inférieurs, micro organismes ; microbiologie ; ouvrages généraux et interdisciplinaires sur les algues, les champignons inférieurs, les micro organismes ; protistes, protophytes, thallophytes)
611 Anatomie humaine, biologie des tissus, cytologie humaine
- Évaluation de l'éducation
- Qualification académiqueRequired conditions, usually academic, for a post.
- Qualité de l'éducationDegrees of excellence in meeting educational objectives. Use more specific descriptor where appropriate.
612 Physiologie humaine
- Bâtiment éducatif
- Centre de matériel didactiqueIndoor or outdoor areas that offer a variety of resources (e.g. supplies, materials, information, equipment). Use a more precise term, if possible.
- Équipement éducatif ...
632 Dégâts causés aux plantes, maladies et parasites
- Administrateur de l'éducation
- EnseignantUse more specific descriptor where appropriate.
- Personnel enseignant paraprofessionnelIncludes non-teaching staff whose functions are professional.
634 Vergers, fruits, foresterie. Arboriculture
- 578.012 Classification biologique (analyse cladistique, chimiotaxinomie, cytotaxinomie, ouvrages généraux sur les espèces, systématique, taxinomie, taxinomie numérique)
- 578.02 Ouvrages divers relatifs à la biologie des organismes
- Éducation périscolaireInstructional activities of educational institutions directed to clientele outside immediate student body.
636 ÉlevageUse to mean the subjects taught, the time allotted to each, and the sequence.
- Activité hors programmeActivities organized by the school, for which participation is generally not compulsory.
- Curriculum universitaire
- Enseignement modulaireOrganization of the curriculum or of instructional courses in self-contained units ('modules') designed for management by the learner.
638 Élevage d'insectesUse to mean the management of educational establishments.
- Conditions d'admissionConditions (examination certificates, proof of skills, etc.) of entrance to courses of study, further study, training, etc.
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Dernières acquisitions
Voici les derniers ouvrages saisis dans le catalogue :

Maintenance Electrotechnique / Mark Brown

ivelvarene / dahmoche

Tree biology and saproxylic coleoptera: issues of definitions and conservation language / Keith N. A. Alexander

Genetic diversity and ecological differentiation in the endangered fen orchid (Liparis loeselii) / Yohan Pillon

Genomic Analysis and Artificial Intelligence: Predicting Viral Mutations and Future Pandemics / Fadhil G. Al-Amran

Genetic Composition of Supercritical Branching Populations under Power Law Mutation Rates / Vianney Brouard

Holocrine Secretion and Kino Flow in Angiosperms: Their Role and Physiological Advantages in Plant Defence Mechanisms / Paulo Cabrita

Detection of acoustic events in Lavender for measuring the xylem vulnerability to embolism and cellular damages / Lia Lamacque